The roof is the most important part of any building, as it keeps out the elements, and with regular...

A New Roof — The Best Investment You Will Ever Make
If you look at a typical house, you can see that it is made up of several key components, the foundations, which provide support for the building. On top of this is the floor, then you have the external walls, and finally, the roof. Of all the essential components, the roof is perhaps the most important, as it provides protection against the elements, and therefore, should be of the highest quality. Of course, we all look for ways to cut down on costs, but the roof is not the place to use substandard materials, or look for a cheap fix, as it usually costs more in the long term.
New Homes
If you are planning to design and build you own property, we at Permacoat would be happy to design and install a quality roof, one that uses the latest technology to thermally insulate the property, helping to make it cooler in the summer and also to retain the heat in the cooler months. Using the very best materials and experienced tradesmen, we are proud to offer a 20 year warranty on any roof we construct, as we believe a new roof should stand the test of time.
Cool Smart Technology™
This roofing technology is designed to reduce the temperature of the exterior surfaces of the home, which keeps the interior cooler in the summer, while helping to retain heat in the colder months. The range of colours is such that we can enhance the look of any property, with darker shades give the best reduction in exterior surface temperature, while lighter colours have better light reflection properties. If you are unsure of which is best for your home, we would be happy to send an expert to your home, where you can both discuss your options. If your home is in the Perth area, contact us today and we will be happy to help.
Roof Restoration
If your home is quite old, and you have always admired the style of roofing, it is possible to restore the roof to its original condition, by carefully selecting the materials and working to the original design. Alternatively, if you would prefer a different design, we can suggest a variety of roof designs that would work. With any roof restoration, the key to success is in the preparation, and with experienced tilers working on the project from the word go, there isn’t anything we can’t handle.
Resin Coating
Once the roof surface is completed, it is time to seal the roof, and this is done by a spate team, who would first make sure the roof is free of problems, then they would use a resin based solution to completely seal the roof surface, giving you an extra layer of year round protection.
Your home wasn’t cheap, and with the roof making up a large part of the structure, it makes sense to use the very best available. We at Permacoat, have been providing roofing solutions in the Perth area for more than 20 years, and if you live in WA, contact us for a free home consultation to discuss your roofing options.